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Writer's pictureCarrie Ballas FNP

Colorado COVID-19 Update

I hope this message finds you all at home and healthy! I am sure most of you in Colorado have heard by now, but Governor Polis has officially ordered a “Stay at Home” order effective today, March 24, 2020 after 5pm until April 10th. Please click on this link if you have not read this order. Because we at BIH are committed to supporting your health, and we are an essential service to the community, we will remain open for IV appointments, (see below) virtual appointments and supplement sales. This week I would like to discuss (will come in a few email messages) *How to manage stress and anxiety you might be feeling individually and collectively *Updated symptoms you should be watching for related to COVID-19 *Possible medication treatments against COVID-19 and IV Vitamin C and H202 *How BIH is here to support you! I am sure many of you are reeling with questions about whether you or someone you know has COVID-19. How can you protect yourself and your family? How will the economy survive this? How will I pay my rent and provide food for myself and my family if this goes on much longer? First of all, I want you to know you are not alone in this! I see this as a time for a collective unity like we’ve never experienced before. Everyday I hear from people asking, “how can I serve”, “who can I support” and “how can I stay connected?” I am always amazed at our capacity for compassion for others and our ability to rise to a call to action! Lucky for us, we have the internet so we can order groceries online, order food from our local restaurants, find local organizations that need our help and we can gather information in the matter of seconds. While this tool is also important to educate us about this ever evolving Pandemic, I would also like to challenge you to limit your news time throughout the day to one or two hours and instead find grounding and connection with your friends and family. I am thrilled for our modern-day platforms like FaceTime and Zoom that help us stay connected to each other during this difficult time. I think I will even be having a “virtual” birthday party this year for the first time ever! And let me say, I am grateful to be alive! I would like to share an email message from my sister Molly last week (who is pictured with her family on my website and her kids are now 10 and 12). “At 3:30 a.m. last night when I couldn’t sleep, I made a commitment to myself to limit my media intake and really show up for the kids and lead by example. I am thinking about how we can serve others right now as there are SO many people in great need, and that will continue to grow. This is also a fantastic time to practice non-attachment. This time may prove to be one of great personal and cultural reassessment towards something more positive, such as love and service orientation. We can hope! “ I know that these words alone will not fix your “worry” and sometimes our “stress system” and racing thoughts are simply overpowering us. Therefore, I would like to offer a few other suggestions below. *Please utilize your psychotherapist during this time, if you have one. If you do not, I do have many talented resources I can share and one of my favorite people/therapist is Katherine Ward, who is a specialist in trauma therapy. Katherine is now taking on new patients during this crisis and can do all appointments virtually. Please see below for Katherine’s contact and a collection of links she has shared with me, to share with you in keeping your nervous system balanced at this time. Here are a few natural supplemental suggestions *L Theanine and Gaba supplements, such as “RelaxMax” by Xymogen (remember you can order directly from them with my provider number 1455) *Cortisol Manager or TruAdapt by Orthomolecular Products *Rescue Remedy *Inositol *Lavender essential oils from Young Living and Lavela by Integrative Therapeutics If natural supplements are not supportive enough for you, I am here for you to make an appt to discuss additional support.

Below are updated symptoms to be aware of, in addition to the classic symptoms of a fever, dry cough and shortness of breath that can indicate you have COVID-19. • Loss of Appetite and/or Diarrhea • Anosmia, Hyposmia and Dysgeusia (loss of smell and taste) in absence of “allergic” or “rhinosinusitus” symptoms. • Any Cardiac/Heart symptoms (if on ACE or ARB BP med and you get COVID type symptoms please either go to ER if severe symptoms or call the office for an appt to determine if you should stop the medications. For now, the recommendation is to continue your medication therapy to support your health. Please be aware these may be the only symptoms you experience and can indicate you have been infected with COVID-19, therefore if you are symptomatic, please self isolate! Remember that almost 80% of people infected with COVID-19 will be able to recover at home. We are still offering limited testing to immunocompromised patients or public service workers who need to know if they are a risk to others. I am now testing “curbside” so inquire at the front desk if needed. Two possible oral medication treatments to stop this virus Hydroxychloroquinone vs Chloroquinone Phosphate If you feel you are having moderate symptoms of COVID, these drugs maybe be appropriate for you. Please call the office for an appointment if you would like to discuss further. (severe patients will be hospitalized, and mildly symptomatic patients can recover without medical intervention). As mentioned before and I will remind you again, Vitamin C is an excellent immune boosting agent and treatment for viruses. Vitamin C reduces “cytokines” in our lungs, which is one thought of why people need to be ventilated so quickly, a “cytokine storm”. I would love to get the hospitals on board and offer IV C to their patients and improve patient outcomes, but unfortunately the medical system is slow to acknowledge natural therapies and are always looking for drug treatments instead. Please click on these links to learn more! Other treatments, such as H202 are also amazing at killing viruses. We offer IV H202 and H202 professional strength solution for inhalation in nebulizing units Remember to take care of your precious body by eating healthy, nutritionally balanced meals. *Organic and pesticide/toxic free (GMO and pesticide foods will produce free radical damage and you want less oxidative stress during this time, certainly not more *Avoid processed, sugary foods *Eat 6-8 Fresh fruits & vegetables, the more colorful the veggies the better *Animal fat and protein from grass fed animals *Omega 3 rich fatty fish *Eggs (if not allergic) *Bone broth, Veggie broths, Collagen powders and Fermented foods (unless you feel bloated and have a SIBO diagnosis) *Eat garlic and ginger daily I am sure many of you are tempted to drink more alcohol during this stressful time but please try to limit your intake to no more than 1-2 drinks per day “drink in moderation” As mentioned in many newsletters, continue to have fasting between dinner and breakfast for at least 12 hours And don’t forget to stay hydrated and get plenty of SLEEP!!!!! *To help our community, please consider fostering an animal and donating blood at your local blood bank, especially if you are a universal donor.

As mentioned above, we at BIH will not abandon you and have been and will continue to be working diligently to support you! I will continue to keep the IV Clinic open and offer in-home house calls as an important resource during this time. We have added additional precautions this week for the IV clinic for added protection. PLEASE DO NOT REACH OUT TO ME IN THE PORTAL ASKING FOR MEDICAL ADVICE. I will be available for appointments and am working many more hours to accommodate your needs. May we all protect ourselves, our loved ones, our hospitals, our community and our world! May we all raise the collective vibration in love and unity!! To your health! Carrie Ballas Resources for Anxiety Katherine Ward LCSW number 303-999-1364 She does take a few insurances, including; Anthem, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Humana and Medicare. Both Hypnotherapy and EMDR work well remotely Here is a nice morning routine: And a nice evening routine: A Great 7-Minute Re-set: Specifically for Sleep: And some other basic routines: This is a good website for basic education about the benefits of Qi Gong and to find a variety of routines:

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