Current patients only need click on the following link - in order to log into their account. Your email is your user name and your password, whatever you may have set.
You may schedule an IV through your portal - established patients only at this time.
You have access to all your testing and to Carrie
Please look under DOCUMENTS to locate test results, lab requisitions, prescriptions and other information.
Click on NEW MESSAGE to message Carrie or Karen directly for prescription refills or simple questions. If you have more than one simple question please make an appointment - Carrie cannot diagnose via the portal only answer simple questions. Examples of okay questions:
1. Was I suppose to take 1 or 2 of this supplement?
2. I forgot to ask about the side effects of this supplement, can you advise?
3. Can you refill my medication
I am feeling these symptoms, how can I change my medication? (this requires a clinical decision and needs an appt)
Current patients not yet registered on the portal - just email us at and we will send you an invitation to register
New clients will be directed (via emailed invitation ) to the Portal for the online intake form that needs to be filled out prior to the appointment. They will also receive a new patient letter with some additional information.
** Please note the portal does not yet work on mobile devices or ipads
What is the portal?
The is our digital medical software. It allow you access to your records and test results, communication directly with Carrie or Karen for minor items, and resources that you can use for your own information.
Is my information secure?
Yes, Each client has a private key within P2P so all records are safe and protected allowing secure access for patients.
How do I use it?
Log on by following the instructions above....
View your tests as soon as we get them under DOCUMENTS download them and print if you desire
Message one of us by clicking NEW MESSAGE in the upper right hand corner - we take care of these by the end of every business day
Print off lab requisitions you have discussed with Carrie under DOCUMENTS
Request a RX refill by messaging Carrie directly - this bypasses the fax back and forth with Pharmacies - Please note the drug name, dosage, and directions as well as the pharmacy and their address for the most efficient refills
Under Library/Resources there are a variety of articles Carrie recommends
Can I upload my own tests?
Not yet, but the software company is working on this feature. Feel free to scan them and email them to boulderintegrative and we will upload them for you for now.
We do our best to answer all requests by the end of every business day. We are closed on Tuesdays and Fridays so those requests will be answered on the following business day.